l news1
CLIENT Mayne Health
Description Client needed a solution for collection of small medical debts with minimal input/contact by the client
Numbers of Debts between 80 to 100
Debt range between $25 to $400
Age of the debts just over 6 months

For a no charge unless debt recovered, we developed an automatic demand system that would proceed each week.

Our client once per week, would send us a computer printout of payments received with a list of matters they wanted held & the date to be held to.

Macquarie would Update paid files and closed Update part payments and send the next demand for the balance. Hold those accounts requested

Send an email to the client at the hold expiration date that we would proceed with the demand system within 4 days unless requested to extend the time. If after we were not paid at the expiration of the demand system we put the matter on hold for 3 months & started again. This recovered a further 8% of accounts at no cost to the client.


We recovered 72% of the debt. Whilst this is significantly less than our 96% recovery rate, it was 50% higher than their previous agents with far less input by the client. We were praised for the collection return considering it was 6 month old medical debt.

We now using the system with 2 other clients in the same industry